2007 – Goals

Have you set goals for yourself for the next 12 months? Do you know that less than 10% of adults actually write their goals down on paper? It’s closer to 3%. Why is that? Is it that people are settling or that they do not want to hold themselves accountable? If you haven’t established your goals & committed ink to paper…when? Someday? In case someone hasn’t shared this with you, this is your life & you deserve to live life on your terms. I am amazed at how people sabotage themselves. I was speaking to a gentleman yesterday that lives in Northern California. He stated that he really “wished” that he & has wife & 18 month old son lived in Southern California. Imagine https://npfinancials.com.au/that? Someone is settling for less than they desire. Close your eyes right now. If you could live anywhere on the planet right now where would it be? Are you living there right now? I certainly hope so. If not, get moving. By the way, Leslie & I are in our new home… We moved in on New Year’s Eve & had out 1st party on New Year’s Day! I’ll post more about that later!How many people give their goals lipservice? I certainly have encountered my fair share. I am reflecting back at the goals I set for myself for 2006. Some of my goals were simple & effortless, while others made me really uncomfortable, even made me sick to my stomach. I have accomplished greater than 80% plus of the goals I set for my life & myself for 2006. I have also been looking around at the people I come into contact with and have been asking them about the goals they accomplished over the past 12 months. This should be surprising but sad to say it’s not… The majority of people who have answered my ads in the past 30 days have not accomplished more than 20% of the goals they set for themselves in Dec 2005/January 2006. On the other hand, the majority of the people that I am working with are closer to my results, even higher. Why in the world is that you ask? Funny you should ask, because I am going to share it with you. Most people pay lipservice to what they want out of life. They are not playing on the court. You know what I mean… how many 3 point shots can you make when you’re sitting in the stands? Not many, right? Now, how many 3 point shots can you make when you are standing on the court? If you’re like me, you might not hit them all but your odds grow significantly (basketball is not my forte).

People are either moving towards their goals or away from their goals. I have found that the greater the emotional attachment to y