Don’t Treat Your Business Like a Casino

Don’t Treat Your Business Like a Casino

It’s amazing how many people are jumping into the internet
marketing business. The good news is that the pie is pretty unlimited so we can all get a nice slice. The bad news is that most of the people Tài xỉu MB66 I encounter are thinking that they can buy some “miracle” product, sit around and money will show up.

What’s up with that? This is a business, not a casino where you put down your money and hope it makes more for you. The bottom line with this business is that you will have to put in time and money to build, key word
– build, your business. The more time you put in, the less money you have to put in. Why don’t people get this?
They need to start treating their business like a business and stop treating it like a hobby or a trip to the casino.

It’s pretty basic business sense. No big secret here. On the internet you can run a business for under $100
a month to start. Most businesses cost AT LEAST $5,000 to get started and take 3 years to make ANY profit. The “little guy” has NEVER had such  a great opportunity to make so much money before now.

On the internet you can build a business by spending only 5 or 10 hours a week. Spend it getting yourself free
advertising and it will continue to build your business for years. How amazing is that?

There’s a ton of money to be made for anyone who wants to build an online business the right way. Lord knows there’s also plenty of products that are great to teach you how to do it right.

But I keep hearing from people who think they’re going to put up a site and people will magically find out about it and buy what they’re selling. If you build an ice cream stand in the middle of the desert do you think people will magically find it and buy ice cream? It’s the same concept.

That’s not how it works. It’s called internet “marketing” for a reason. The more you market and the better you market, the more money you’ll make. Even better, the longer you do
it the easier it gets to make even more money.

Have these people ever heard of any business making money by just opening a storefront? It disappoints me to run
into people with this attitude because I know they could do really well if they would just put some effort into
creating their business.

C’mon. Get real. Do these folks really expect to get results with an attitude of, “I’ll spend some money and
try this internet marketing thing to see if works.” Try to pick up a pencil off the floor. You can’t. It’s
impossible. You pick it up or you don’t.

“Try” is a myth. When someone says they’ll “try” to do something it’s wimpy code for “I expect to fail at this and have no intention of committing to getting results.”

Do it or don’t but don’t lie to yourself about “trying” anything. Have you seen someone “try” to diet or seen
a teenager “try” to not talk back to parents? How did that work out?

These folks will give up quickly and settle for lives that don’t turn them on. They’ll keep on doing work they can’t stand until one day they’ll die. On their death bed all you’ll hear is “I should’ve, could’ve, would’ve but didn’t.”

Imagine if these people instead had the attitude of, “I’m building a business to create the life of my dreams
for me and my family and nothings going to stop me!” That’s completely different from ,”I bought this ‘how
to make money on the internet’ product and I’ll try to do what it teaches and see what might happen, maybe, if I have time after I watch the game.” Which attitude do you think produces better results?

As long as we’re alive for 80 to 100 years why don’t we live it up and have fun making money and making more
free time to do what we want with people we love?

The one thing no product can give you is passion and motivation. That’s what you bring to the table every day.
I’m driven by a passion to create my own multiple residual income streams so that I won’t have to ever work a job I
hate again. I also have a passion to empower others who have dreams of creating lives of freedom for themselves.

What are you passionate about? How can you make money from that? Why don’t you go to work on it today?

Don’t fall into the trap these people are in. If you don’t like how your life is and you want to make it better, feel
the pain of where your life will be in 10, 20 or 50 years if you stay on the same path. Let that pain fuel you into
action to take control of your life and build your dreams into your reality.