NUCCA: Best Chiropractic Care

When I was younger I had been to 7 different chiropractors or chiropractic doctors. I had a serious back and neck problem due to an accident that broke one of my vertebrae into 2 pieces (my spinal cord was not broken). These doctors only helped it a little. They all did the same thing. They would twist my neck o one way, cracking it, Then they would twist it the other way cracking it. They would twist my hips both ways cracking them. They would have me lie down and press on my back in certain spots cracking them.


I got married and moved right outside of Philadelphia. My wife also needed a chiropractor. So we picked the closest one to go to. But we were lucky. This husband and wife chiropractic team used a new method of chiropractic care called NUCCA that stands for National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association. Cervical is the neck area. They told us that before we could be adjusted, we needed to get an X ray and then come in another day.

We did not like this. We said that we had been to chiropractors before and always had an adjustment on the day that we came in. They said that they do a type of treatment that depended heavily on the X-ray and an analysis of it. Then they told us that they only adjust the atlas that is the very top (first) vertebrae. I told them that I had a lot of pain in my hip area. They explained that by getting the atlas in line the rest of the spine would follow. So I said that if he adjusts the first vertebrae, he is saying that all the rest would ‘magically’ line up. He said “yes” so we agreed to give it a try. The husband would adjust all of the women and the wife would adjust all of the men.

We got X-rayed and then came back the next day to get adjusted. We got adjusted and it was the best ever. Right after we got adjusted, everything is fine. But since the spine has been out of line for so long, it has a tendency to go out of line again so we needed to keep coming back. The accident that broke my vertebrae happened when I was 17 and I did not start going to this chiropractor until I was 24 years old.